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Ph.D. In Sociology, researcher and activist specializing in the dynamics of social movements in Eastern Europe, particularly in Ukraine and Belarus
I'm Dr. Vasil Navumau, a dedicated researcher and activist specializing in the dynamics of social movements in Eastern Europe, particularly in Ukraine and Belarus. My journey into this field began in 2003 during a protest in Belarus, which ignited my interest in the transformative power of civic engagement and digital technologies in social activism.
In 2020, facing the intensifying repression in Belarus, I made the difficult decision to leave my home country. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of my work in supporting the Belarusian diaspora and civil society through various initiatives and academic research. My focus has been on the critical areas of digitalization, Russian disinformation, and the intricacies of protest movements in Belarus.
I earned my PhD in Sociology in 2014 from the Graduate School for Social Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences. My academic pursuits have led me to publish my findings in reputable journals such as Crossroads Quarterly and Polish Sociological Review. Additionally, during my postdoctoral fellowship at the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, I authored the monograph "The Belarusian Maidan: A New Social Movement Approach to the Tent Camp Protest in Minsk, 2006." This work offers an in-depth analysis of Belarusian social activism and its evolution, employing theories of radical democracy and Deleuzian concepts to examine online communication within the movement.
I am also the founder of RADAR_BY (Research and Action for a Democratic Accountable and Resilient Belarus), a civic initiative dedicated to fostering discussions and promoting ideas in the realms of civic tech, e-democracy, and enhancing the capabilities of civil society in Belarus through digital tools.
My passion lies in understanding and facilitating the transformation of regional collective actions under the pervasive influence of contemporary ICTs and new trends in transnational activism. I am committed to contributing to a deeper understanding of these phenomena and to the advancement of more transparent, participatory, and inclusive governance in Eastern Europe.
Thank you for visiting my site, and I look forward to engaging in meaningful discussions and collaborations.